A new collaboration led by Santiago Miret (Intel Labs) and Alán Aspuru-Guzik (University of Toronto/Vector Institute) is looking for a talented undergraduate summer researcher to work with us during the summer on a paid internship with a flexible timeline (start/end date). The project involves the development of AI models for the generation of molecular structures in three dimensional space. The student will work collaboratively with both teams in a very dynamic setting focusing on methods and software development relevant to the AI model. Knowledge of computer science, chemistry, or computer engineering is encouraged, but the application is open to all students enrolled at the University of Toronto that wish to apply.
We strongly encourage students from underrepresented groups (including but not limited to female-identifying, queer, gender non-binary, students of color, students from indigenous backgrounds) to apply to this position. Students interested in the opportunity should e-mail a copy of their CV to aspuru.admin@utoronto.ca with a short statement of purpose (~ 1 page) describing their motivation to participate in this internship (~300 words), and their background (~300 words), as well as their availability of dates and hours/week.
The application deadline is April 15. We will contact all candidates with a decision by April 20. The student will be paid hourly at a standard university undergraduate research rate.